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Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023

Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023 Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023 Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023 Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023 Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023
Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023 Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023 Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023 Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023 Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023
Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023
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Der neueste Titleist ProV1 Golfball sorgt für noch mehr Geschwindigkeit. Dünnere Außenschicht, größere Innenschicht und schnellerer Kern.




€ 5,95



€ 54,95
Preis pro Dutzend

Verfügbarkeit : 11

Variatie: Golfballer Titleist ProV1X 2023

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Titleist ProV1X Golfbälle 2023

  • 12 Golfbälle verpackt in einer Umverpackung (4x Hüllen mit 3 Bällen)
  • 4-teiliger Golfball
  • Kugelförmiges 328-Tetraeder-Grübchenmuster für einen gleichmäßigen Ballflug
  • 17 % dünnere Außenschicht aus gegossenem Urethan-Elastomer für mehr Ballgeschwindigkeit
  • Eine größere Innenschicht sorgt für mehr Ballgeschwindigkeit und weniger Spin auf der langen Distanz
  • Neuer 2.0 ZG-Prozess Dual Core für höhere Ballgeschwindigkeit
  • Etwas härter als der ProV1
  • Ballflug Mitte
  • Langstrecken-Spin niedrig
  • Weniger Spin auf den Eisen
  • Mehr Spin im kurzen Spiel
  • Drop-and-Stop™-Kurzspielsteuerung
  • Farbe Weiß
  • Teilenummer T2048S-BIL

Für Golfer, die auf der Suche nach den besten Ergebnissen sind, bietet der ProV1 eine bessere Leistung vom Abschlag bis zum Grün mit einem durchdringenden Ballflug und einem weichen Gefühl.

Titleist Pro V1x

High Flight, Precise Spin and Control, Total Performance

Pro V1x is the optimal premium performance choice for players looking for maximum distance, who need higher flight and more stopping power.

Pro V1x is most frequently recommended for players with launch conditions that are naturally low in height and low in spin. Pro V1x is the choice of Justin Thomas, Danielle Kang, and Matt Fitzpatrick, to name a few.

Available in White. High Optic Yellow coming soon.


  • High Flight Trajectory
  • Maximum Short Game Spin
  • Firm Feel

Inside The Engine

Improved performance starts on the inside with a new high gradient dual core, featuring a larger inner core that acts as a central engine for high speed and lower long game spin.

The 2023 Pro V1<span>x</span>'s high-flex casing layer improves speed and further lowers full shot spin.

Amplified Speed. Low Long Game Spin.

The high-flex casing layer adds speed and delivers low long game spin on full shots.

The Pro V1<span>x</span>'s soft cast urethene cover creates excellent greenside spin.

Unrivaled Drop-and-Stop™ Control

The soft cast urethane cover completes the total performance of Pro V1x, delivering excellent greenside spin to help golfers shoot lower scores.

Pro V1<span>x</span> has a consistent and high ball flight.

High, Consistent Flight

A spherically-tiled 348 tetrahedral dimple design delivers high and consistent flight.

Pro V1x Player Profile

For Higher Flight

For Higher Flight

Not all players flight their golf ball the same, but optimal trajectory will lead to more distance on all shots. Pro V1x flies higher than Pro V1, which can help if you have a naturally low ball flight and might gain total distance by adding a few feet to their peak height. The aerodynamics that inspire the higher trajectory of Pro V1x also deliver a steeper angle of descent, should you need more stopping power to hold the green.

For More Spin

For More Spin

Pro V1x has slightly more spin than Pro V1 through the bag. If your launch conditions tend to be low in spin, more spin could optimize your distance by getting those shots to carry a bit farther, with more stopping power. Around the green, Pro V1x delivers spin on all the shots you need to shoot your lowest scores. This is due to its unique construction which includes a soft cast urethane cover working in concert with the casing layer.

For Firmer Feel

For Firmer Feel

Feel is a preference that every player experiences in their own unique way. For some, it’s the click on a putt, the nip of a flop shot, or the sound and collision off the tee. On every shot, the overall construction of the Pro V1x is firmer than Pro V1 and inspires confidence to shoot your lowest scores.

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